Coaching Experiences
Individual and team coaching is about creating a new focus and new momentum that improves self-awareness and drives an intentional reinvention. This is about evolving how a leader adds value and improving team effectiveness.
Coaching clients receive a copy of The Self-Aware Leader to study models (left) that propel learning via targeted exercises. Generosity Quotient is one’s ability, capacity, and willingness to give in a way that grows trust, collaboration, and productivity.
Dan’s coaching experiences start as six- or twelve-month engagements with a series of core development tools that drive success:
Discovery interviews with key stakeholders to understand the full picture
An online self-assessment based on The Self-Aware Leader with a 20-page development plan
The identification of up to three key priorities defined in a from/to exercise
Confidential 1x1 meetings that balance your needs with those of the team/organization
An action plan that carries on well beyond the coaching engagement
There are four general areas that Dan has focused his coaching efforts on:
Executive Coaching: Dan has worked 1x1 with C-suite leaders to help facilitate new momentum and targeted leadership development including the distribution of leadership across management teams.
Middle Management Coaching: Dan has coached many middle managers in talent pipeline programs pinpointing the what and how tied to process improvement and team/careers development.
Team Coaching: Through a combination of individual and group meetings, Dan has helped new and intact teams grow trust, reset leadership expectations, and build a new operating rhythm.
Onboarding Coaching: Whether it’s a new leader in a new organization, or an internal move to a new position, onboarding coaching can accelerate learning curves and generate early wins for all.
“Leadership health is an anchor for self-aware leaders. We are people first, and employees second. ”