Development Experiences
Our work challenges us to find faster and better ways of doing things – to reinvent. The speed of change pushes leaders to maintain a pace that is exhilarating one day and exhausting the next. Leaders that move too fast risk missing important pieces of data that feeds solid decision-making. Self-Aware Leaders slow themselves down to speed themselves up. They recognize patterns around them to increase momentum and productivity.
The Self-Aware Leader clearly demonstrates why four key elements when implemented result in greater individual, team and organizational productivity. Leaders who actively practice these inclusive and collaborative principles will significantly out-produce those who depend only on themselves. The elements include:
an above average network and support system
a proficiency in critical and systems thinking
a savvy perspective of the political landscape
a courageous drive for magis (more for the good of others)
The training program includes a Facilitator Guide, Participant Guide and PowerPoint for the eight modules below. The training program is built for a one-day delivery but can also be modularized and delivered over time either in-person or virtual. These principles can also be delivered in the form of team building workshops and are available in with a train-the-trainer program.
TRAINING Curriculum
The Case for Reinvention (45 min)
The Model for Reinvention (90 min)
Assessing your Self-awareness (60 min)
Professional Authenticity (75 min)
Think Like a GM (75 min)
Profitable Imagination (75 min)
Generosity Quotient® (75 min)
Review and Wrap-up (30 min)
Dan’s experience designing and running pipeline development/high potential programs can also present options for integrating The Self-Aware Leader model into your development experience or co-creating a new experience all together.
“Self-aware leaders know how and when to slow themselves down to speed themselves up. They see their journey as a marathon, not a sprint.”