Development Experiences

Developing leaders builds skills, confidence, and community. Self-Aware Leaders slow themselves down to speed themselves up. They look for patterns that drive productivity.

Gallagher Leadership delivers focused and custom development exercises tied to principles from The Self-Aware Leader (SAL). By leveraging the four pillars that drive reinvention, SAL results in greater individual, team and organizational productivity. 

Examples of delivery include:

  • SAL public leadership programs (Feb. to May & Sept. to Dec.)

  • Custom in-house development programs

  • Half-day workshops with the SAL Self-Assessment

  • Keynotes and virtual speaker series

Dan has also built out a community of SAL Facilitators with the SAL Content License and Certification. This team can stand-alone or partner with you to deliver content like Generosity Quotient, Profitable Imagination, Think Like A GM, or Professional Authenticity. Check out the SAL Website for more information or email Dan directly at

Self-aware leaders know how and when to slow themselves down to speed themselves up. They see their journey as a marathon, not a sprint.
— Dan Gallagher